Byrd, William: Laudibus in sanctis
Laudibus in sanctis (1591)
Laudibus in sanctis Dominum celebrate supremum: firmamenta sonent inclita facta Dei; cantate sacraque potentis voce potestatem sæpe sonate manus.
Magnificum Domini cantet tuba martia nomen: pieria Domino concelebrate lira. Laude Dei resonent resonantia timpana summi, alta sacri resonent organa laude Dei.Hunc arguta canant tenui psalteria corda, hunc agili laudet laeta chorea pede. Concava divinas effundant cimbala laudes, cimbala dulcisona laude repleta Dei.
Omne quod æthereis in mundo vescitur auris Halleluia canat tempus in omne Deo.
Glorify your Lord with highest praises: let the heavens resound with God’s noble acts; sing of the holy things his power has achieved and clap your hands to celebrate his might.
Let the war-like trumpet sound the glorious name of the Lord: sing with the lyre of the muses. Let the drums and loud organs resound with the praise of almighty God. Let the thin strings of the clear-sounding psaltery play, let agile feet praise him in merry dances. Let the well-tuned cymbals pour forth divine praises, let the loud cymbals be full of the praise of God.
Let everything that lives in the world sing Alleluia to God for evermore.