Europe 2011
Starting in Geneva with performances of the Mass setting by the city’s own Frank Martin, this tour then took up the course of the River Rhine northwards through Germany with concerts and evensongs in Worms, Korschenbroich, Düsseldorf and Mühlheim. A detour to the Eifel National Park saw a visit to Kloster Steinfeld, notable for its immaculately-restored 17th century organ.

7 September | Temple de la Madeleine, Geneva
9 September | Dominikanerkloster St Paulus, Worms
11 September | Basilika St Margaretha, Düsseldorf-Gerresheim
12 September | Kloster Steinfeld, Eifel
14 September | St Andreas Church, Korschenbroich
16 September | Kloster Saarn, Mühlheim an der Ruhr