Bannister, Peter: Spiritus divinae lucis gloriae
Spiritus divinæ lucis gloriæ (2012)
Spiritus divinæ lucis gloriæ, respice in me Domine.
Deus veritatis, Dominus Deus Sabaoth, Deus Israel, respice in me Domine.
Lumen de lumine referemus filium Patris
sanctum que Spiritum in una substantia, respice in me Domine.
Unigenitus et primogenitus a te obtinemus redemptionem nostrum,
respice in me Domine.
Et Deum verum a Deo vero sese confitemur respice in me Domine.
Spirit of the divine light of glory, look on me, Lord.
Lord God of hosts, God of truth, God of Israel, look on me, Lord.
Light of lights, Son of the Father, Holy Spirit, being of one substance,
look on me, Lord.
Begotten and born of thee grant us our redemption, look on me, Lord.
And God, whom we acknowledge to be the one true God, look on me, Lord.