Rautavaara, Einojuhano: Evening Hymn and Ekteniya of the Litany
Evening Hymn and Ekteniya of the Litany (1972)
Jeesus Kristus, rauhaisa Valkeus Autuaan, Kunnian rauhaisa Valkeus. Kuolemattoman Isän, Taivaallisen, Pyhän, Autuann rauhaisa Valkeus. Auringon laskiessa ehtoovalon nähtyämme me veisaten ylistämme Jumalaa, Isää, Poikaa ja Pyhää Henkeä. Jumalan Poika, Elämän antaja, Otollosta on autuain äänin ylistää Sinua kaikkina aikoina. Sentähden maalima Silnulle kiitosta kantaa, Jumalan Poika.
Herra armahda.
Jesus Christ, thou peaceful Light of the Father. O thou immortal, peaceful Light of the heavenly and Holy, blessed. Now at the setting of the sun, having seen the light of evening, we sing a hymn of praise to our God, the Father and the Holy Spirit. O Son of God, who gavest us life, well-pleasing to God, it is with a blessed voice we praise thee now and for eternity. Therefore all the world sings praises to thee, O Son of God.
Lord have mercy.