January 2014
Sunday 19 January 2014, 6:15 pm
Responses | (Rose) |
Canticles | Service in A (Stanford) |
Anthem | Joseph, Son of David (Knaggs) |
Preacher | The Reverend Dr Jeremy Morris, Dean of King’s College, Cambridge |
Tuesday 21 January 2014, 6:15 pm
Introit | Set me as a seal (Walton) |
Responses | (Rose) |
Canticles | Jesus College Service (Mathias) |
Anthem | Behold, O God our defender (Howells) |
Thursday 23 January 2014, 6:15 pm
Introit | Why fumeth in sight the Gentiles' spite (Tallis) |
Responses | (Rose) |
Canticles | Seventh Service (Tomkins) |
Anthem | Salve Regina (Cornysh) |
Sunday 26 January 2014, 6:15 pm
Responses | (Smith) |
Canticles | Second Service (Gibbons) |
Anthem | This is the record of John (Gibbons) |
Preacher | The Most Revd Dr Barry Morgan, Archbishop of Wales and Bishop of Llandaff |
Tuesday 28 January 2014, 6:15 pm
Introit | The Lamb (Tavener) |
Responses | (Smith) |
Canticles | Trinity Service (Briggs) |
Anthem | Psalm 100 (Howells) |
Thursday 30 January 2014, 6:15 pm
Introit | O nata lux (Tallis) |
Responses | (Smith) |
Canticles | Tonus Peregrinus and Tone I (Byrd) |
Anthem | Alma redemptoris mater (Philips) |