December 2023

Sunday 3 June 2012, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Byrd)
Magnificat Great Service (Byrd)
Nunc Dimittis Short Service (Byrd)
AnthemCherubic Hymn/Izhe heruvimi (no.8 Liturgy of St John Chrysostom) (Rachmaninoff)

Tuesday 5 June 2012, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO Lord, make thy servant (Byrd)
Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles Jesus College Service (Mathias)
AnthemLobet den Herrn, BWV 230 (Bach)

Sunday 7 October 2012, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Magdalen Service (Leighton)
AnthemBehold, O God our defender (Howells)
PreacherThe Revd Professor William Horbury, FBA, Emeritus Professor of Jewish and Early Christian Studies and Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Tuesday 9 October 2012, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO lux beata Trinitas (Leighton Jones)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service for Trebles (Weelkes)
AnthemExultate Deo (Poulenc)

Sunday 14 October 2012, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Canticles Service in g (Purcell)
AnthemGeistliches Lied (Brahms)
PreacherThe Revd Dr Michael Banner, Dean of Chapel

Sunday 21 October 2012, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Chichester Service (Walton)
AnthemTo Morning (from The Choirbook for Queen Elizabeth II) (Jackson)
PreacherDr Katharine Dell, Senior Lecturer in Old Testament Studies and Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge

Tuesday 23 October 2012, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitUbi caritas (Duruflé)
Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Trinity Service (Briggs)
AnthemSpiritus divinae lucis gloriae (Bannister)

Sunday 28 October 2012, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Gloucester Service (Howells)
AnthemLobet den Herrn, BWV 230 (Bach)
PreacherProfessor Richard Bauckham, FBA, Emeritus Professor of New Testament Studies, University of St Andrews, and Senior Scholar at Ridley Hall, Cambridge

Tuesday 30 October 2012, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitThou knowest, Lord (Purcell)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Short Service (Gibbons)
AnthemThere is an old belief (Parry)

Sunday 4 November 2012, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in f (Gray)
AnthemLighten our darkness (Stanford)
PreacherThe Revd Dr Andrew Macintosh, Fellow and former Dean of Chapel, St John's College, Cambridge

Tuesday 6 November 2012, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitI heard a voice from heaven (Howells)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemSalve Regina (Poulenc)

Thursday 8 November 2012, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO quam gloriosum (Victoria)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in A (Stanford)
AnthemGive me the wings of faith (Leighton)

Sunday 11 November 2012, 10:55 am

> Act of Remembrance and Mattins

Responses (Shephard)
Te Deum Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemGreater love hath no man (Ireland)
PreacherThe Revd Paul Dominiak, Chaplain
AnthemThey shall grow not old (Guest)

Tuesday 13 November 2012, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitLocus iste (Bruckner)
Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Jesus College Service (Mathias)
AnthemWhat love is this of thine? (Leighton)

Sunday 18 November 2012, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Second Service (Leighton)
AnthemLet the people praise thee, O God (Ešenvalds)
PreacherThe Revd Dr Jessica Martin, Priest-in-Charge, St Peter's Church, Duxford

Thursday 24 January 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitThe Lamb (Tavener)
Responses (Shephard)
Magnificat (Swayne)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemChristus vincit (MacMillan)

Sunday 27 January 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Magnificat (Finzi)
Nunc Dimittis Short Service (Byrd)
AnthemI love all beauteous things (Howells)
PreacherCanon Jane Hedges, Canon Steward of Westminster Abbey

Thursday 31 January 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitI would find thee (Thalben-Ball)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in A (Stanford)
AnthemOtche nash (Our Father) (Golovanov)

Sunday 3 February 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Gloucester Service (Howells)
AnthemDeus misereatur nostri (Łukaszewski)
PreacherThe Right Reverend Graeme Knowles, Honorary Assistant Bishop, Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich

Tuesday 5 February 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitWhy fumeth in sight the Gentiles' spite (Tallis)
Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Great Service (Byrd)
Nunc Dimittis Short Service (Byrd)
AnthemPraise our Lord, all ye Gentiles (Byrd)

Thursday 7 February 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO Lord, give thy Holy Spirit (Tallis)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Short Service (Byrd)
AnthemGloria in excelsis Deo (Weelkes)

Sunday 10 February 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Service in G (Jackson)
AnthemAt the round earth’s imagined corners (Parry)
PreacherThe Reverend Philip North, Team Rector of Old St Pancras, London

Wednesday 13 February 2013, 6:15 pm

> Ash Wednesday

MassMissa Orbis factor (Plainsong)
PreacherThe Reverend Paul Dominiak, Chaplain
AnthemMiserere (Allegri)
AnthemCrucifixus pro nobis iv (Leighton)

Sunday 17 February 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Double Choir - German (Schütz)
Nunc Dimittis Short Service (Weelkes)
AnthemSchaffe in mir, Gott (Brahms)
PreacherProfessor Catherine Barnard, Professor of European Union Law and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge

Tuesday 19 February 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitDerelinquit impius (Tallis)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Tonus Peregrinus and Tone I (Byrd)
AnthemNe irascaris, Domine (Byrd)

Thursday 28 February 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitDrop, drop slow tears (Gibbons)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Short Service (Gibbons)
AnthemChriste qui lux es et dies (White)

Sunday 3 March 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in E (Wesley)
AnthemCast me not away (Wesley)
PreacherThe Reverend Anna Matthews, Vicar of St Bene’t’s, Cambridge

Tuesday 5 March 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitDrop, drop, slow tears (A Litany) (Walton)
Responses (Rose)
Magnificat Tone VI (Tomkins)
Nunc Dimittis (Łukaszewski)
AnthemLux aeterna (Antognini)

Thursday 7 March 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitSalvator mundi (Tallis)
Responses (Rose)
Magnificat Octavi Toni (Vivanco)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemRichte mich, Gott (Mendelssohn)

Sunday 20 January 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Service in Eb (Stanford)
AnthemWo ist der neugeborne König (Mendelssohn)
PreacherThe Reverend Richard Lloyd-Morgan, Chaplain, King’s College, Cambridge

Sunday 28 April 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Chichester Service (Walton)
AnthemGod’s grandeur (Leighton)
PreacherDr Frank Salmon, Senior Lecturer in the History of Art, and Fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge

Tuesday 30 April 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitLift thine eyes (Elijah) (Mendelssohn)
Responses (Plainsong)
Nunc Dimittis (Burgon)
AnthemWho can express (Wesley)
Magnificat Tonus peregrinus (Plainsong)

Thursday 2 May 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitI would find thee (Thalben-Ball)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Service in C (Stanford)
AnthemRejoice in the Lamb (Britten)

Tuesday 7 May 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitSalvator mundi (Tallis)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Trinity Service (Briggs)
AnthemWhat love is this of thine? (Leighton)

Sunday 12 May 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (McWilliam)
Magnificat (Finzi)
Nunc Dimittis Double Choir (Holst)
AnthemLobet den Herrn, BWV 230 (Bach)
PreacherProfessor Francis Watson, Department of Theology and Religion, University of Durham

Thursday 16 May 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitA Hymn for St Cecilia (Howells)
Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles Service in A (Stanford)
AnthemLet the people praise thee, O God (Ešenvalds)

Sunday 19 May 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Canticles St Paul’s Service (Howells)
AnthemLoquebantur variis linguis (Tallis)
PreacherThe Right Reverend John Pritchard, Bishop of Oxford

Tuesday 21 May 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO Lord, give thy Holy Spirit (Tallis)
Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Magdalen Service (Leighton)
AnthemSpiritus divinae lucis gloriae (Bannister)

Sunday 26 May 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Second Service (Leighton)
AnthemCherubic Hymn / Izhe heruvimi (Rachmaninoff)
PreacherFather Alban McCoy, Fisher House, University of Cambridge

Tuesday 28 May 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitTout puissant, très saint (Poulenc)
Responses (Plainsong)
Canticles Tonus Peregrinus and Tone I (Byrd)
AnthemSeigneur, je vous en prie (Poulenc)

Sunday 2 June 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles Service in G (Jackson)
AnthemAt the round earth’s imagined corners (Parry)
PreacherThe Most Revd and Rt Hon. Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

Sunday 13 October 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Gloucester Service (Howells)
AnthemLighten our darkness (Stanford)
PreacherProfessor Adrian Poole, Fellow in English, Trinity College, Cambridge

Sunday 20 October 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Service in E (Wesley)
AnthemI love all beauteous things (Howells)
PreacherProfessor Werner Jeanrond, Master of St Benet’s Hall, University of Oxford

Thursday 24 October 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitWhy fumeth in sight the Gentiles' spite (Tallis)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Tone VI (Tomkins)
AnthemWhen David heard (Tomkins)

Sunday 27 October 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Magnificat (Finzi)
Nunc Dimittis Double Choir (Holst)
AnthemGeistliches Lied (Brahms)
PreacherThe Right Hon. Frank Field, MP for Birkenhead

Tuesday 29 October 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitI know my soul hath power (Parry)
Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Service in G (Stanford)
AnthemMy soul, there is a country (Parry)

Sunday 3 November 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in g (Purcell)
AnthemLord, let me know mine end (Parry)
PreacherDr David Washbrook, Fellow in History, Trinity College, Cambridge

Tuesday 5 November 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO Lord, give thy Holy Spirit (Tallis)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Short Service (Gibbons)
AnthemGloria in excelsis Deo (Weelkes)

Sunday 10 November 2013, 10:55 am

> Mattins and Act of Remembrance

Responses (Shephard)
Te Deum Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemAgnus Dei (War Requiem) (Britten)
PreacherThe Reverend Christopher Stoltz, Chaplain
AnthemThey shall grow not old (Guest)

Tuesday 12 November 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitLift thine eyes (Elijah) (Mendelssohn)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Service in C (Stanford)
AnthemTe lucis ante terminum (Balfour Gardiner)
Joint ServiceWith the Stephen Perse Foundation

Sunday 17 November 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Double Choir - German (Schütz)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemWarum ist das Licht gegeben dem Mühseligen (Brahms)
PreacherProfessor David Ford, Regius Professor of Divinity, University of Cambridge, and Fellow of Selwyn College

Tuesday 19 November 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitNever weather-beaten sail (Parry)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Tonus Peregrinus and Tone I (Byrd)
AnthemAt the round earth’s imagined corners (Parry)

Thursday 21 November 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitRemember not, Lord, our offences (Purcell)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Service in e (Purcell)
AnthemO Lord God of hosts (Purcell)

Sunday 24 November 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemChristus vincit (MacMillan)
PreacherThe Right Hon. Lord Ian Blair, former Metropolitan Commissioner of Police

Sunday 19 January 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in A (Stanford)
AnthemJoseph, Son of David (Knaggs)
PreacherThe Reverend Dr Jeremy Morris, Dean of King’s College, Cambridge

Tuesday 21 January 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitSet me as a seal (Walton)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Jesus College Service (Mathias)
AnthemBehold, O God our defender (Howells)

Thursday 23 January 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitWhy fumeth in sight the Gentiles' spite (Tallis)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Seventh Service (Tomkins)
AnthemSalve Regina (Cornysh)

Sunday 26 January 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Canticles Second Service (Gibbons)
AnthemThis is the record of John (Gibbons)
PreacherThe Most Revd Dr Barry Morgan, Archbishop of Wales and Bishop of Llandaff

Thursday 30 January 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO nata lux (Tallis)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Tonus Peregrinus and Tone I (Byrd)
AnthemAlma redemptoris mater (Philips)

Sunday 2 February 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemAve Maria (Bruckner)
PreacherThe Right Reverend and Right Hon. Richard Chartres KCVO, Bishop of London

Tuesday 4 February 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitMaria wallt zum Heiligtum (Eccard)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Third Service (Byrd)
AnthemLobet den Herrn, BWV 230 (Bach)

Thursday 6 February 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitI would find thee (Thalben-Ball)
Responses (Shephard)
Magnificat (Swayne)
Nunc Dimittis (Łukaszewski)
AnthemThe deer’s cry (Pärt)

Sunday 9 February 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Magnificat Octavi Toni (Vivanco)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemTu es Petrus (Palestrina)
PreacherMonsignor Mark Langham, Chaplain, Fisher House, University of Cambridge

Tuesday 11 February 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitDrop, drop slow tears (A Litany) (Walton)
Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Chichester Service (Walton)
AnthemO Lord, support us (Briggs)

Sunday 16 February 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in E (Wesley)
AnthemJudas, mercator pessimus (Park)
PreacherThe Reverend Paul Dominiak, Chaplain

Sunday 23 February 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles St Paul’s Service (Howells)
AnthemDum transisset (Taverner)
PreacherThe Reverend Marjorie Brown, Vicar of St Mary the Virgin, Primrose Hill, London

Tuesday 25 February 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitHear my prayer (Purcell)
Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles Service in e (Purcell)
AnthemI love all beauteous things (Howells)

Thursday 27 February 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO Lord, give thy Holy Spirit (Tallis)
Responses (McWilliam)
Magnificat Primi toni (Victoria)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemNe irascaris, Domine (Byrd)

Sunday 2 March 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat (Praetorius)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemCrucifixus à 8 (Lotti)
PreacherThe Reverend Christopher Stoltz, Chaplain

Tuesday 4 March 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitDrop, drop slow tears (Gibbons)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Service in Bb (Purcell)
AnthemLo, the full final sacrifice (Finzi)

Sunday 9 March 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Double Choir - German (Schütz)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemDer Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (Bach)
PreacherAnne Atkins, broadcaster, journalist and novelist

Friday 14 March 2014, 6:30 pm

> Commemoration of Benefactors

IntroitBeati quorum via (Stanford)
Te Deum Collegium Regale (Howells)
PreacherProfessor Philip Allott FBA, Fellow in Law, Trinity College, Cambridge

Thursday 1 May 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitMy soul, there is a country (Parry)
Responses (Rose)
Magnificat (Park)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemThere is an old belief (Parry)

Tuesday 6 May 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitAve Maria No. 9 - Rosa Mystica (Knaggs)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Service in C (Stanford)
AnthemJudas mercator pessimus (Park)

Thursday 8 May 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitHymn to the Eternal Flame (Paulus)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Tonus Peregrinus and Tone I (Byrd)
AnthemNever weather-beaten sail (Parry)

Sunday 11 May 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Canticles Short Service (Weelkes)
AnthemLo, the full final sacrifice (Finzi)
PreacherDr Ashley Cocksworth, Tutor in Systematic Theology, Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham

Tuesday 13 May 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitI know my soul hath power (Parry)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Jesus College Service (Mathias)
AnthemAt the round earth’s imagined corners (Parry)

Thursday 15 May 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitSeigneur, je vous en prie (Poulenc)
Responses (Plainsong)
Magnificat Tonus peregrinus (Plainsong)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemTout puissant, très saint (Poulenc)

Sunday 18 May 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles St Paul’s Service (Howells)
AnthemLord, let me know mine end (Parry)
PreacherThe Reverend William Morris, Senior International Tax Counsel for General Electric and NSM at St Martin in the Fields, London

Tuesday 20 May 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitLift thine eyes (Elijah) (Mendelssohn)
Responses (Plainsong)
Magnificat Tonus peregrinus (Plainsong)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemSalutation angélique (Villette)

Thursday 22 May 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitWhy fumeth in fight the Gentiles' spite (Tallis)
Responses (Rose)
Magnificat (Praetorius)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemDer Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (Bach)

Sunday 25 May 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Octavi Toni (Vivanco)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemO Lord, make thy servant (Byrd)
PreacherThe Right Reverend Peter Wheatley, Bishop of Edmonton

Sunday 1 June 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Primi toni (Victoria)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemLoquebantur variis linguis (Tallis)
PreacherBaroness Onora O'Neill CH CBE FBA, Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission and Emeritus Professor Philosophy at the University of Cambridge

Tuesday 3 June 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Magnificat (Finzi)
Nunc Dimittis Double Choir (Holst)
AnthemFor lo, I raise up (Stanford)
Joint Servicewith The Choir of Clare College Cambridge

Tuesday 14 October 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitDrop, drop slow tears (Gibbons)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Tonus Peregrinus and Tone I (Byrd)
AnthemSing joyfully (Byrd)

Thursday 16 October 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitMother of God, here I stand (Tavener)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Jesus College Service (Mathias)
AnthemLugsana (Einfelde)

Sunday 19 October 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Double Choir - German (Schütz)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I & II (Plainsong)
AnthemLobet den Herrn, BWV 230 (Bach)
PreacherProfessor Henry Mayr-Harting, Emeritus Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History, University of Oxford

Tuesday 21 October 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitWhy fumeth in fight the Gentiles’ spite (Tallis)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Tones VII and I (Tallis)
AnthemEvening Hymn (Rautavaara)

Sunday 26 October 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Magnificat Octavi Toni (Vivanco)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I & II (Plainsong)
AnthemVersa est in luctum (Lobo)
PreacherProfessor Alexandra Walsham, Professor of Modern History, University of Cambridge, and Fellow of Trinity College

Sunday 2 November 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Short Service (Gibbons)
AnthemThe Twelve (Walton)
PreacherThe Right Reverend Dr Geoffrey Rowell, Honorary Assistant Bishop, Chichester Diocese, and former Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe

Sunday 9 November 2014, 10:55 am

> Mattins

Responses (Shephard)
Te Deum Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemGreater love hath no man (Ireland)
PreacherSir Max Hastings
AnthemThey shall grow not old (Guest)

Thursday 13 November 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitEkteniya of the Litany (Rautavaara)
Responses (Smith)
Magnificat (Park)
Nunc Dimittis (Łukaszewski)
AnthemI love the Lord (Harvey)

Sunday 16 November 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in E (Wesley)
AnthemDer Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (Bach)
PreacherThe Reverend Dr Charles Elliott, Associate of the Prison Research Centre, Cambridge, and former Dean of Trinity Hall

Tuesday 18 November 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO nata lux (Tallis)
Responses (Smith)
Magnificat (Praetorius)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I & II (Plainsong)
AnthemSalvator mundi (Tallis)

Sunday 23 November 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Magnificat (Finzi)
Nunc Dimittis Double Choir (Holst)
AnthemChristus vincit (MacMillan)
PreacherThe Right Revd James Jones, former Bishop of Liverpool

Thursday 27 November 2014, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitFair in face (Willan)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Truro Service (Jackson)
Anthemi thank You God for most this amazing day (Whitacre)

Sunday 18 January 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
AnthemO Magnum Mysterium (Lauridsen)
Canticles Gloucester Service (Howells)
PreacherThe Reverend Canon Dr John Binns, Vicar of Great St Mary’s Cambridge

Tuesday 20 January 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitEkteniya of the Litany (Rautavaara)
Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Second Service (Gibbons)
AnthemBeati quorum via (Park)

Thursday 22 January 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitDie Könige (Cornelius)
Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Jesus College Service (Mathias)
AnthemLully, lulla (A Coventry Carol) (Leighton)

Sunday 25 January 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Primi toni (Victoria)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemVidentes stellam (Poulenc)
PreacherThe Reverend Dr Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, Vicar of St Mary Magdalene, Belmont

Sunday 1 February 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Magnificat (Praetorius)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemWo ist der neugeborne König der Juden (Christus) (Mendelssohn)
PreacherThe Dean of Chapel

Sunday 8 February 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Service in E (Wesley)
AnthemBring us, O Lord God (Harris)
PreacherThe Reverend Dr Steve Griffiths, Vicar of St Andrew’s Enfield

Thursday 12 February 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitSet me as a seal (Walton)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Short Service (Byrd)
Anthemi thank You God for most this amazing day (Whitacre)

Sunday 15 February 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Magdalen Service (Leighton)
AnthemLighten our darkness (Stanford)
PreacherDr Jane McLarty, Senior Tutor, Wolfson College, and Affiliated Lecturer, Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge

Sunday 22 February 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Octavi Toni (Vivanco)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemAve Maria (Victoria)
PreacherThe Reverend Canon Ralph Godsall, Priest Vicar of Westminster Abbey, and former Chaplain of Trinity College

Thursday 26 February 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitEvening Hymn (Rautavaara)
Responses (Leighton)
Magnificat Redcliffe (Park)
Nunc Dimittis (Łukaszewski)
AnthemThe Heaven’s Flock (Ešenvalds)

Sunday 1 March 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Canticles Service in g (Purcell)
AnthemGeistliches Lied (Brahms)
PreacherThe Reverend Canon Dr Nicholas Sagovsky, Whitelands Professorial Fellow, Roehampton University

Tuesday 3 March 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitMother of God, here I stand (Tavener)
Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Service in C (Stanford)
AnthemTe lucis ante terminum (Balfour Gardiner)
Joint Servicewith Dean Close School Chamber Choir

Thursday 5 March 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitI would find thee (Thalben-Ball)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemBeati quorum via (Stanford)

Sunday 8 March 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Double Choir - German (Schütz)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemCivitas sancti tui (Byrd)
PreacherFather Kevin Grove, Trinity College Cambridge

Sunday 26 April 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles St Paul’s Service (Howells)
AnthemKomm, Jesu, komm, BWV 229 (Bach)
PreacherProfessor Sir Anthony Bottoms FBA, Emeritus Wolfson Professor of Criminology and Life Fellow of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge

Tuesday 28 April 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO Taste and See (Vaughan Williams)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Trinity Service (Briggs)
AnthemLet all the world (Antiphon) (Vaughan Williams)

Sunday 3 May 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Chichester Service (Walton)
AnthemGive unto the Lord (Elgar)
PreacherDr Susannah Ticciati, Senior Lecturer in Systematic Theology, King’s College, London

Sunday 10 May 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Second Service (Leighton)
AnthemLobet den Herrn, BWV 230 (Bach)
PreacherDr Robert Asher, Senior Lecturer and Curator, Museum of Zoology, and Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge

Tuesday 12 May 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitWhy fumeth in fight the Gentiles’ spite (Tallis)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Short Service (Byrd)
AnthemAve Maria (Parsons)

Sunday 17 May 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat (Praetorius)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemAscendit Deus (Philips)
PreacherProfessor Michael Rosen, Professor of Government, Harvard University

Thursday 21 May 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitSet me as a seal (Walton)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Jesus College Service (Mathias)
AnthemLighten our darkness (Stanford)

Sunday 24 May 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Primi toni (Victoria)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemDer Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (Bach)
PreacherDr Hilary Marlow, Course Director, Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, and Fellow and Director of Studies, Girton College, Cambridge

Tuesday 26 May 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitLift thine eyes (Elijah) (Mendelssohn)
Responses (Plainsong)
Magnificat Tonus peregrinus (Plainsong)
Nunc Dimittis (Burgon)
AnthemO give thanks/Who can express (Wesley)

Thursday 28 May 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitTout puissant, très saint (Poulenc)
Responses (Plainsong)
Magnificat Tonus peregrinus (Plainsong)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemSeigneur, je vous en prie (Poulenc)

Sunday 31 May 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Gloucester Service (Howells)
AnthemCherubic Hymn / Izhe heruvimi (Rachmaninoff)
PreacherProfessor Simon Ditchfield, Professor of Early Modern History, University of York

Sunday 11 October 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Primi toni (Victoria)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemFactum est silentium (Dering)
PreacherThe Dean of Chapel

Sunday 18 October 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Gloucester Service (Howells)
AnthemEternal Father (Stanford)
PreacherThe Right Reverend David Conner KCVO, Dean of St George’s Windsor and Chaplain to the Queen

Tuesday 20 October 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitIf ye love me (Tallis)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles First Service (Morley)
AnthemRemember not, Lord, our offences (Purcell)

Thursday 22 October 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitI would find thee (Thalben-Ball)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemLighten our darkness (Stanford)

Sunday 25 October 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Magnificat (Praetorius)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemGive unto the Lord (Elgar)
PreacherThe Very Reverend Mark Bonney, Dean of Ely

Sunday 1 November 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Primi toni (Palestrina)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemO quam gloriosum (Victoria)
PreacherHenrietta Leyser, Emeritus Fellow in History, St Peter’s College Oxford

Tuesday 3 November 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitWhy fumeth in fight the Gentiles’ spite (Tallis)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Short Service (Gibbons)
AnthemDimitte nobis (Raftery)

Sunday 8 November 2015, 10:55 am

> Mattins and Act of Remembrance

Responses (Rose)
Te Deum Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemRussian Contakion (Bramma)
PreacherMr Hugh Pym, Health Editor BBC News
AnthemThey shall grow not old (Guest)

Tuesday 10 November 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitSeigneur, je vous en prie (Poulenc)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Magdalen Service (Leighton)
AnthemLike a Singing Bird (Randle)

Thursday 12 November 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitBeati quorum via (Stanford)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in C (Stanford)
AnthemFor lo, I raise up (Stanford)
Joint Servicewith the Choir of Eltham College

Sunday 15 November 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Magnificat Octavi Toni (Vivanco)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemThe Wings of the Wind (Park)
PreacherDr Peter Sarris, Fellow in History, Trinity College Cambridge

Tuesday 17 November 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitThou knowest, Lord (Purcell)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Service in g (Purcell)
Anthemi thank You God for most this amazing day (Whitacre)

Thursday 19 November 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitFair in face (Willan)
Responses (Shephard)
Magnificat Double Choir - Latin (Stanford)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemHymn (O for a closer walk with God) (Stanford)

Sunday 22 November 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Alma Real octavi toni (Lassus)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemChristus vincit (MacMillan)
PreacherThe Venerable Peter Townley, Archdeaon of Pontefract

Tuesday 24 November 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO nata lux (Tallis)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Short Service (Dorian) (Tallis)
AnthemBlessed be the Lord God of Israel (Stanford)

Thursday 26 November 2015, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO Salutaris Hostia (Ešenvalds)
Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Truro Service (Jackson)
Nunc Dimittis (Łukaszewski)
AnthemChrist’s Love-Song (Allain)

Sunday 17 January 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Perpulchrum septimi toni (Lassus)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemWo ist der neugeborne König der Juden (Christus) (Mendelssohn)
PreacherThe Right Reverend Libby Lane, Bishop of Stockport

Tuesday 19 January 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitRemember not, Lord, our offences (Purcell)
Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Septimi toni (Guerrero)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemThe Lord’s Prayer (Park)

Thursday 21 January 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitDrop, drop slow tears (A Litany) (Walton)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Chichester Service (Walton)
AnthemEternal Father (Stanford)

Sunday 24 January 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Second Service (Leighton)
AnthemAve Maria (Victoria)
PreacherThe Reverend Professor Christopher Rowland, The Queen’s College, Oxford

Tuesday 26 January 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitSalvator mundi (Tallis)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in A (Stanford)
AnthemTe lucis ante terminum (Balfour Gardiner)
Joint Servicewith the Choir of Wellington College

Thursday 28 January 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitHymn to the Eternal Flame (Paulus)
Responses (Rose)
Magnificat Quinti toni a 4 (Palestrina)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemJubilate in C (Stanford)

Sunday 31 January 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Magnificat Primi toni (Palestrina)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemHymn of Ancient Lands (Twist)
PreacherDr Nathan McDonald, Lecturer in Theology and Fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge

Sunday 7 February 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles St Paul’s Service (Howells)
AnthemEvening Hymn and Ekteniya of the Litany (Rautavaara)
PreacherDr Alison Gray, Director of Studies and Tutor in Old Testament, Westcott House, and Bye-Fellow of Selwyn College, Cambridge

Tuesday 9 February 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitUbi caritas (Duruflé)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Trinity Service (Briggs)
Anthemi thank You God for most this amazing day (Whitacre)

Sunday 14 February 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Magnificat Double Choir - German (Schütz)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemUpheld by Stillness (Park)
PreacherThe Reverend Professor William Horbury FBA, Professor Emeritus of Jewish and Early Christian Studies and Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Tuesday 16 February 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitWhy fumeth in fight the Gentiles’ spite (Tallis)
Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Trinity Service (Park)
AnthemThe Heavens’ Flock (Ešenvalds)

Sunday 21 February 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Canticles (Ešenvalds)
AnthemSchaffe in mir, Gott (Brahms)
PreacherThe Right Reverend Roger Morris, Bishop of Colchester

Sunday 28 February 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Magnificat Ocatavi toni (Guerrero)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemThis worldes joie (Bax)
PreacherThe Dean of Chapel

Tuesday 1 March 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitDrop, drop slow tears (Gibbons)
Responses (Rose)
Magnificat Double Choir - Latin (Stanford)
Nunc Dimittis (Łukaszewski)
AnthemO Lord, support us (Briggs)

Sunday 6 March 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Magnificat Benedicta es caelorum regina (Lassus)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemO vos omnes (Gesualdo)
PreacherThe Very Reverend Frances Ward, Dean of St Edmundsbury Cathedral

Sunday 24 April 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Magnificat Primi toni (Victoria)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemFor lo, I raise up (Stanford)
PreacherDr Elizabeth Phillips, Tutor in Theology and Ethics, Westcott House, University of Cambridge

Sunday 1 May 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Magnificat Perpulchrum septimi toni (Lassus)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemGive unto the Lord (Elgar)
PreacherProfessor Ian McFarland, Regius Professor of Divinity and Fellow of Selwyn College, University of Cambridge

Tuesday 3 May 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitBeati quorum via (Stanford)
Responses (Leighton)
Magnificat Double Choir - Latin (Stanford)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemHymn (O for a closer walk with God) (Stanford)

Sunday 8 May 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Magnificat Octavi Toni (Vivanco)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemHymn of Ancient Lands (Twist)
PreacherThe Reverend Professor David Fergusson FBA, Professor of Divinity and Principal of New College, University of Edinburgh

Tuesday 10 May 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitJustorum animæ (Stanford)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Short Service (Weelkes)
AnthemLighten our darkness (Stanford)

Thursday 12 May 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitEvening Hymn (Rautavaara)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Magdalen Service (Leighton)
AnthemEkteniya of the Litany (Rautavaara)

Sunday 15 May 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Magnificat Alma Real octavi toni (Lassus)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemDer Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (Bach)
PreacherThe Reverend Dr Andrew Bowyer, Chaplain

Tuesday 17 May 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitRemember not, Lord, our offences (Purcell)
Responses (Leighton)
Magnificat Truro Service (Jackson)
Nunc Dimittis (Łukaszewski)
AnthemThe Wings of the Wind (Park)

Thursday 19 May 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitEternal Father (Stanford)
Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Tone VI (Tomkins)
AnthemBlessed be the Lord God of Israel (Stanford)

Sunday 22 May 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemCherubic Hymn / Izhe heruvimi (Rachmaninoff)
PreacherDr Daniel Weiss, Polonsky-Coexist Lecturer in Jewish Studies, University of Cambridge

Tuesday 24 May 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitSeigneur, je vous en prie (Poulenc)
Responses (Plainsong)
Magnificat Tonus peregrinus (Plainsong)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemTout puissant, très saint (Poulenc)

Sunday 29 May 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Magnificat Ocatavi toni (Guerrero)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
Anthemi thank You God for most this amazing day (Whitacre)
PreacherDr Michael Ward, Senior Research Fellow, Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford

Tuesday 31 May 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitHymne à la Vierge (Villette)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Trinity Service (Briggs)
AnthemSalve Regina (Poulenc)
Joint Servicewith the Choir of Clare College Cambridge

Sunday 5 June 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Magnificat Primi toni (Palestrina)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemTe Deum (Howells)
PreacherThe Dean of Chapel

Wednesday 21 September 2016, 6:45 pm

> Annual Gathering

IntroitBeati quorum via (Stanford)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in C (Stanford)
AnthemTe lucis ante terminum (Balfour Gardiner)

Sunday 9 October 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Magdalen Service (Leighton)
AnthemHear my prayer (Mendelssohn)
PreacherDr Ross Wilson, Fellow in English, Trinity College, Cambridge

Sunday 16 October 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Magnificat Octavi Toni (Vivanco)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemGeistliches Lied (Brahms)
PreacherProfessor Terry Eagleton, Distinguished Professor of English Literature, University of Lancaster

Tuesday 18 October 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitWhy fumeth in fight the Gentiles’ spite (Tallis)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Tones I and VII (Morley)
AnthemO Lord, make thy servant (Byrd)

Thursday 20 October 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO come in one to praise the Lord (Tallis)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemPrayer to the Father of Heaven (Vaughan Williams)

Sunday 23 October 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Canticles Gloucester Service (Howells)
AnthemLaudate Dominum (Vesperae solennes de confessore, K. 339) (Mozart)
PreacherProfessor Richard Bauckham FBA, Senior Scholar, Ridley Hall, University of Cambridge

Tuesday 25 October 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitE’en like the hunted hind (Tallis)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Tones VII and I (Tallis)
AnthemRemember not, Lord, our offences (Purcell)

Thursday 27 October 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitExpend, O Lord, my plaint of word (Tallis)
Responses (Smith)
Magnificat (Finzi)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemWelcome sweet and sacred feast (Finzi)

Sunday 30 October 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Magnificat Primi toni (Victoria)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemO quam gloriosum (Victoria)
PreacherThe Revd Professor Graham Ward, Regius Professor of Divinity, Christ Church, University of Oxford

Thursday 3 November 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitEvening Hymn (Rautavaara)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Chichester Service (Walton)
AnthemEkteniya of the Litany (Rautavaara)

Sunday 6 November 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in A (Stanford)
AnthemOur Father (Sheppard)
PreacherDr Katharine Dell, Reader in Old Testament Literature and Theology, Fellow and Director of Studies, St Catharine’s College, Cambridge

Sunday 13 November 2016, 10:55 am

> Act of Remembrance and Mattins

Responses (Rose)
Te Deum in G (Vaughan Williams)
AnthemValiant-for-Truth (Vaughan Williams)
PreacherDr Kate McLoughlin, Fellow in English, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford
AnthemThey shall grow not old (Guest)

Sunday 13 November 2016, 6:15 pm

> Sung Requiem

Requiem (Fauré)
PreacherProfessor Adrian Poole, Emeritus Professor of English Literature and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge
Joint Service with members of the Trinity College Choir Association

Tuesday 15 November 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitCome Holy Ghost, eternal God (Tallis)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Second Service (Byrd)
AnthemLord, thou hast been our refuge (Vaughan Williams)

Thursday 17 November 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitE’en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come (Manz)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Trinity Fauxbourdons (Park)
AnthemMy lovely one (Finzi)

Sunday 20 November 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Perpulchrum septimi toni (Lassus)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemThis worldes joie (Bax)
PreacherDr Cathy Ross, Lecturer in Contextual Theology, Ripon College, Cuddesdon

Thursday 24 November 2016, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitThere is no rose (arr. Stevens)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Short Service (Byrd)
AnthemA great and mighty wonder (arr. Pedersen)

Sunday 22 January 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (McWilliam)
Magnificat Primi toni (Palestrina)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemVidentes stellam (Poulenc)
PreacherThe Reverend Professor Michael Reiss, Professor of Science Education, Institute of Education, University College of London

Tuesday 24 January 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitWherefore tonight is full of care (Finzi)
Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles Trinity Fauxbourdons (Park)
AnthemO be joyful (Melville Smith)

Sunday 29 January 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles Jesus College Service (Mathias)
AnthemWo ist der neugeborne König der Juden (Christus) (Mendelssohn)
PreacherThe Reverend Anna Matthews, Vicar of St Bene’t’s Cambridge and Diocesan Director of Ordinands

Sunday 5 February 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Canticles (Ešenvalds)
AnthemSilence and Music (Vaughan Williams)
PreacherThe Reverend Dr Anna Poulson, Vicar of St John’s Southall Green

Thursday 9 February 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitGod be in my head (Radcliffe)
Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Short Service (Dorian) (Tallis)
AnthemDer Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (Bach)

Sunday 12 February 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Magnificat Collegium Regale (Tavener)
Nunc Dimittis (Bednall)
AnthemWhen David heard (Weelkes)
PreacherThe Right Reverend Stephen Conway, Bishop of Ely

Sunday 19 February 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (McWilliam)
Magnificat Septimi toni (Guerrero)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemPhos Hilaron (Park)
PreacherThe Reverend Ysmena Pentelow, Vicar of St Mary the Virgin, Ware

Tuesday 21 February 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitI praise the tender flower (Finzi)
Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles Chichester Service (Berkeley)
AnthemO give thanks (MacMillan)

Sunday 26 February 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Magnificat Alma Real octavi toni (Lassus)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemGod’s Grandeur (Dickinson)
PreacherThe Dean of Chapel

Tuesday 28 February 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitClear and gentle stream (Finzi)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Tones I and VII (Morley)
AnthemAbove the stars my saviour dwells (Park)

Sunday 5 March 2017, 6:15 pm

> A Service of Music and Readings for Lent

AnthemRise, heart (Easter - from Five Mystical Songs) (Vaughan Williams)
AnthemI got me flowers (from Five Mystical Songs) (Vaughan Williams)
AnthemLove bade me welcome (from Five Mystical Songs) (Vaughan Williams)
AnthemThe call (from Five Mystical Songs) (Vaughan Williams)
AnthemAntiphon (Let all the world) (Vaughan Williams)
AnthemLo, the full final sacrifice (Finzi)

Thursday 9 March 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitRemember not, Lord, our offences (Purcell)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Tones VII and I (Tallis)
AnthemEvening Hymn and Ekteniya of the Litany (Rautavaara)

Sunday 12 March 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles St Paul’s Service (Howells)
AnthemThis worldes joie (Bax)
PreacherMr A.N. Wilson, Author and Columnist

Sunday 30 April 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in A (Stanford)
AnthemThe souls of the righteous (Vaughan Williams)
PreacherThe Revd George Lane, Co-ordinating Chaplain at Manchester Airport and President of the International Assoc of Civil Aviation Chaplains

Tuesday 2 May 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitMy spirit sang all day (Finzi)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Chichester Service (Walton)
AnthemO vos omnes (Vaughan Williams)

Sunday 7 May 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Magdalen Service (Leighton)
AnthemThe Wings of the Wind (Park)
PreacherDr Pieter De Witte, Catholic prison chaplain & Coordinator of the Centre for Religion, Ethics and Detention at the University of Leuven

Thursday 11 May 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitI praise the tender flower (Finzi)
Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Frankfurt Service (Pantcheff)
AnthemO give thanks (MacMillan)

Sunday 14 May 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (McWilliam)
Magnificat Primi toni (Victoria)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemValiant-for-Truth (Vaughan Williams)
PreacherThe Right Reverend Dr John Inge, Bishop of Worcester

Tuesday 16 May 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitGod grant with grace (Tallis)
Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles Tones I and VII (Morley)
AnthemUpheld by Stillness (Park)

Thursday 18 May 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitWherefore tonight is full of care (Finzi)
Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles Service in G (Stanford)
AnthemRemember not, Lord, our offences (Purcell)

Sunday 21 May 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Magnificat (Finzi)
Nunc Dimittis (Bednall)
AnthemA Hymn for St Cecilia (Howells)
PreacherThe Right Reverend and Right Hon. Richard Chartres, Dean of Her Majesty’s Chapels Royal & formerly Bishop of London

Sunday 28 May 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Second Service (Leighton)
AnthemCaelos Ascendit (Park)
PreacherThe Reverend Christopher Stoltz, Minor Canon and Precentor at Westminster Abbey

Tuesday 30 May 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitViri Galilaei (Introit for Ascension) (Plainsong)
Responses (Plainsong)
Canticles Trinity Service (Moore)
AnthemLift thine eyes (Elijah) (Mendelssohn)

Thursday 1 June 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitTout puissant, très saint (Poulenc)
Responses (Plainsong)
Magnificat Tonus peregrinus (Plainsong)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemSeigneur, je vous en prie (Poulenc)

Sunday 4 June 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemDer Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (Bach)
PreacherDr Susanna Snyder, Oxford Centre for Christianity and Culture & University of Roehampton

Tuesday 6 June 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles St Paul’s Service (Howells)
AnthemLo, the full final sacrifice (Finzi)
Joint Servicewith Jesus College Choir

Tuesday 10 October 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitBogoroditse Djevo (Pärt)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Tonus Peregrinus (Byrd)
AnthemMother of God, here I stand (Tavener)

Thursday 12 October 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitSalvator mundi (Tallis)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Tones VIII and V (Morley)
AnthemStanding as I do before God (McDowall)

Sunday 15 October 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Octavi Toni (Vivanco)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemAve Maria (Victoria)
PreacherThe Reverend Canon Dr Jessica Martin, Canon Residentiary, Ely Cathedral

Tuesday 17 October 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitMihi autem nimis (Introit for St Luke) (Plainsong Mode ii)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Tone VI (Tomkins)
AnthemThou hast searched me and known me (Marsh)

Sunday 22 October 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Magnificat (Finzi)
Nunc Dimittis Double Choir (Holst)
AnthemGeistliches Lied (Brahms)
PreacherThe Reverend Professor Vernon White, Sub-Dean and Canon Theologian, Westminster Abbey & Visiting Professor in Theology, King’s College London

Sunday 29 October 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Service in g (Purcell)
AnthemVersa est in luctum (Lobo)
PreacherThe Reverend Dr Michael Volland, Principal, Ridley Hall, University of Cambridge

Sunday 5 November 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Service in A (Stanford)
AnthemLord, thou hast been our refuge (Vaughan Williams)
PreacherThe Reverend Robin Griffith-Jones, Master of Temple Church, London & Senior Lecturer in Theology, King’s College London

Tuesday 7 November 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitGod be in my head (Radcliffe)
Responses (Leighton)
Magnificat Tonus peregrinus (Plainsong)
Nunc Dimittis (Bednall)
AnthemThe Lord is good (McDowall)

Thursday 9 November 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitSalutation (Ešenvalds)
Responses (Leighton)
Magnificat Tonus peregrinus (Plainsong)
Nunc Dimittis (Łukaszewski)
AnthemThe Heavens’ Flock (Ešenvalds)

Sunday 12 November 2017, 10:55 am

> Act of Remembrance and Mattins

Responses (Leighton)
Te Deum in G (Vaughan Williams)
AnthemValiant-for-Truth (Vaughan Williams)
PreacherThe Reverend Dana English, Assistant Chaplain, All Saints’ Anglican Church, Rome
AnthemThey shall grow not old (Guest)

Tuesday 14 November 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitE’en like the hunted hind (Tallis)
Responses (Leighton)
Canticles John Scott Service (Moore)
AnthemWelcome sweet and sacred feast (Finzi)

Thursday 16 November 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitEkteniya of the Litany (Rautavaara)
Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Second Service (Leighton)
AnthemDeus, portus pacis (McDowall)

Sunday 19 November 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Canticles Gloucester Service (Howells)
AnthemThis worldes joie (Bax)
PreacherMonsignor Mark Langham, Chaplain at Fisher House, University of Cambridge

Thursday 23 November 2017, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitBenedicamus Domino (Warlock)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Trinity Fauxbourdons (Park)
AnthemO magnum mysterium (Mäntyjärvi)

Sunday 21 January 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in G (Jackson)
AnthemI love the Lord (Harvey)
PreacherThe Right Reverend Dr Bradly Billings, Director of Theological Education, Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, Australia

Sunday 28 January 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Canticles Tones VIII and V (Morley)
AnthemMater ora Filium (Bax)
PreacherBrigadier Ian Dobbie OBE, formerly of the Royal Engineers

Sunday 4 February 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (McWilliam)
Magnificat Primi toni (Palestrina)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemWhat love is this of thine? (Leighton)
PreacherAlastair Land, Headmaster of Repton School

Tuesday 6 February 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO Lord, make thy servant, Elizabeth (Byrd)
Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles Tones I and VII (Morley)
AnthemCanticum Novum (Antognini)

Thursday 8 February 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitNever weather-beaten sail (Parry)
Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles Trinity Service (Briggs)
AnthemThere is an old belief (Parry)

Sunday 11 February 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Magnificat Primi toni (Victoria)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemO sacrum convivium (Tallis)
PreacherDr James Lancelot, Canon Organist Emeritus, Durham Cathedral

Tuesday 13 February 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitAgnus Dei (Pitts)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles New College Service (L’Estrange)
AnthemValiant-for-Truth (Vaughan Williams)

Sunday 18 February 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles Short Service (Weelkes)
AnthemChrist on the Mount of Olives (Moore)
PreacherThe Right Hon. Lord Ian Blair, Chair of the Board of Trustees, Woolf Institute, University of Cambridge & former Commissioner of Metropolitan Police

Tuesday 20 February 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitBogoróditse Dévo (Kalinnikov)
Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles Collegium Regale (Tavener)
AnthemHow they so softly rest (Willan)

Thursday 22 February 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitGod be in my head (Edwards)
Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles St Pancras Canticles (McDowall)
Anthem… which was the son of … (Pärt)

Sunday 25 February 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Service in g (Purcell)
AnthemLo, the full final sacrifice (Finzi)
PreacherProfessor John Lister, Professor of Fluid Dynamics, University of Cambridge & Fellow of Trinity College

Tuesday 27 February 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitSalvator mundi (Tallis)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Tone VI (Tomkins)
AnthemLove bade me welcome (from Five Mystical Songs) (Vaughan Williams)

Thursday 1 March 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitWhy fumeth in fight the Gentiles’ spite (Tallis)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Trinity Fauxbourdons (Park)
AnthemAve Maria (Rose)

Sunday 4 March 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Magdalen Service (Leighton)
AnthemTake him, earth, for cherishing (Howells)
PreacherPim Baxter OBE, Deputy Director at the National Portrait Gallery London & Lay Canon at St Paul's Cathedral

Tuesday 6 March 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitMy lovely one (Finzi)
Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Tones VII and I (Tallis)
AnthemWelcome sweet and sacred feast (Finzi)

Sunday 11 March 2018, 6:15 pm

> Orchestral Mass

MassMass in G (Schubert)
PreacherThe Right Revd and Right Hon. Lord Richard Chartres KCVO, Baron Chartres of Wilton, Life Peer & Honorary Fellow of Trinity College

Sunday 29 April 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Canticles John Scott Service (Moore)
AnthemMater ora Filium (Bax)
PreacherThe Reverend Canon Brian Mountford MBE, Fellow of St Hilda’s College Oxford & Acting Chaplain of Corpus Christi Oxford

Sunday 6 May 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles New College Service (L'estrange)
AnthemTake him, earth, for cherishing (Howells)
PreacherProfessor Frances Spalding CBE, Emeritus Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge

Sunday 13 May 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Magnificat Primi toni (Victoria)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemGod is gone up (Finzi)
PreacherThe Reverend Canon Dr Alvyn Pettersen, Canon Theologian, Worcester Cathedral

Tuesday 15 May 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitMother of God - The Veil of the Temple (Tavener)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Chichester Service (Berkeley)
AnthemAve Maria (Parsons)

Thursday 17 May 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitEvening Hymn (Rautavaara)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Chichester Service (Walton)
AnthemEkteniya of the Litany (Rautavaara)

Sunday 20 May 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (McWilliam)
Magnificat (Finzi)
Nunc Dimittis Double Choir (Holst)
AnthemLoquebantur variis linguis (Tallis)
PreacherThe Reverend Helen Orr, Pioneer Minister, Michaelhouse, Cambridge

Tuesday 22 May 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitBogoróditse Dévo (Kalinnikov)
Responses (McWilliam)
Canticles Trinity Service (Briggs)
AnthemO magnum mysterium (Mäntyjärvi)

Sunday 27 May 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles St Paul’s Service (Howells)
AnthemCredo (Vaughan Williams)
PreacherThe Reverend Professor Ben Quash, Professor of Christianity and the Arts, King’s College London

Tuesday 29 May 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitBenedicta sit (Plainsong)
Responses (Plainsong)
Magnificat Tonus peregrinus (Plainsong)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemO Lux beata Trinitas (Plainsong)

Thursday 31 May 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitAve Maria (Plainsong)
Responses (Plainsong)
Magnificat Tonus peregrinus (Plainsong)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemAve Maris Stella (Plainsong)

Sunday 3 June 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Magnificat Collegium Regale (Tavener)
Nunc Dimittis after Finzi (Bednall)
AnthemLord, thou hast been our refuge (Vaughan Williams)
PreacherThe Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster

Tuesday 9 October 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitSalvator mundi (Tallis)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Tones VIII and V (Morley)
AnthemO Lord, make thy servant, Elizabeth (Byrd)

Sunday 14 October 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Octavi Toni (Vivanco)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemSing joyfully (Byrd)
PreacherThe Reverend Canon Jonathan Boardman, Vicar of St Paul’s Clapham

Thursday 18 October 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitMihi autem nimis (Introit for St Luke) (Plainsong Mode ii)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Service in g (Purcell)
AnthemChriste qui lux es et dies (3rd setting) (White)

Sunday 21 October 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Second Service (Leighton)
AnthemAlma Redemptoris Mater (McDowall)
PreacherThe Reverend Canon Victoria Johnson, Canon Residentiary, Ely Cathedral

Sunday 28 October 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Magnificat Primi toni (Palestrina)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemGeistliches Lied (Brahms)
PreacherProfessor Brian Brock, Divinity School, University of Aberdeen

Tuesday 30 October 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO Salutaris Hostia (Ešenvalds)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Tone VI (Tomkins)
AnthemBenedic anima mea Domino (Mäntyjärvi)

Sunday 4 November 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Chichester Service (Walton)
AnthemThere is an old belief (Parry)
PreacherProfessor Nicholas Vincent FBA, Professor of Medieval History, University of East Anglia

Thursday 8 November 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitAve Maria (Mäntyjärvi)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles John Scott Service (Moore)
AnthemHow they so softly rest (Willan)

Sunday 11 November 2018, 10:45 am

> Act of Remembrance and Mattins

Responses (Shephard)
Te Deum Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemRussian Contakion (Bramma)
PreacherSir John Tusa, alumnus & former Managing Director of BBC World Service and the Barbican Arts Centre

Sunday 11 November 2018, 6:15 pm

> Service of Music and Readings for Remembrance

AnthemFor the Fallen (Park)
AnthemAgnus Dei (Jenkins)
AnthemI heard a voice from heaven (Howells)
AnthemIn Paradisum (Plainsong)
PreacherMr James Penney, alumnus & Chairman Darwin Property Investment Management Ltd

Tuesday 13 November 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitBogoróditse Dévo (Pärt)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Short Service (Gibbons)
AnthemDeath may dissolve (Mäntyjärvi)

Thursday 15 November 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitNever weather-beaten sail (Parry)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles New College Service (L’Estrange)
AnthemLove Incorruptible (McDowall)

Sunday 18 November 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Collegium Regale (Tavener)
AnthemTake him, earth, for cherishing (Howells)
PreacherMr Philip McDonagh, former Irish Ambassador

Tuesday 20 November 2018, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitTher is no rose of swych vertu (Anon., arr. Stevens)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Short Service (Byrd)
AnthemO magnum mysterium (Lauridsen)

Sunday 27 January 2019, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Magnificat Primi toni (Palestrina)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemLully, lulla (A Coventry Carol) (Leighton)
PreacherProfessor Richard Bauckham FBA, Emeritus Professor of New Testament Studies, University of St Andrews, and Senior Scholar at Ridley Hall, Cambridge

Saturday 2 February 2019, 6:00 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitMaria wallt zum Heiligtum (Eccard)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Gloucester Service (Howells)
AnthemIn the midst of thy temple (Thalange)

Sunday 3 February 2019, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Magnificat Octavi Toni (Vivanco)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemWhat love is this of thine? (Leighton)
PreacherThe Right Hon. Frank Field, MP for Birkenhead