November 2013

Sunday 3 November 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in g (Purcell)
AnthemLord, let me know mine end (Parry)
PreacherDr David Washbrook, Fellow in History, Trinity College, Cambridge

Tuesday 5 November 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO Lord, give thy Holy Spirit (Tallis)
Responses (Rose)
Canticles Short Service (Gibbons)
AnthemGloria in excelsis Deo (Weelkes)

Sunday 10 November 2013, 10:55 am

> Mattins and Act of Remembrance

Responses (Shephard)
Te Deum Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemAgnus Dei (War Requiem) (Britten)
PreacherThe Reverend Christopher Stoltz, Chaplain
AnthemThey shall grow not old (Guest)

Tuesday 12 November 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitLift thine eyes (Elijah) (Mendelssohn)
Responses (Shephard)
Canticles Service in C (Stanford)
AnthemTe lucis ante terminum (Balfour Gardiner)
Joint ServiceWith the Stephen Perse Foundation

Sunday 17 November 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Double Choir - German (Schütz)
Nunc Dimittis Tone I (Plainsong)
AnthemWarum ist das Licht gegeben dem Mühseligen (Brahms)
PreacherProfessor David Ford, Regius Professor of Divinity, University of Cambridge, and Fellow of Selwyn College

Tuesday 19 November 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitNever weather-beaten sail (Parry)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Tonus Peregrinus and Tone I (Byrd)
AnthemAt the round earth’s imagined corners (Parry)

Thursday 21 November 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitRemember not, Lord, our offences (Purcell)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Service in e (Purcell)
AnthemO Lord God of hosts (Purcell)

Sunday 24 November 2013, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Leighton)
Canticles Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemChristus vincit (MacMillan)
PreacherThe Right Hon. Lord Ian Blair, former Metropolitan Commissioner of Police