Sunday 26 January 2020, 6:15 pm
Choral Evensong
Responses | (Leighton) |
Magnificat | Primi toni (Victoria) |
Nunc Dimittis | Tone I (Plainsong) |
Anthem | Drei Könige (Cornelius) |
Preacher | The Revd Karin Voth Harman, Priest in Charge of St Andrew’s Cherry Hinton |
Choral Evensong
Responses | (Leighton) |
Magnificat | Primi toni (Victoria) |
Nunc Dimittis | Tone I (Plainsong) |
Anthem | Drei Könige (Cornelius) |
Preacher | The Revd Karin Voth Harman, Priest in Charge of St Andrew’s Cherry Hinton |