November 2024

Sunday 3 November 2024, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Rose)
Canticles Service in C (Stanford)
AnthemMy soul, there is a country (Parry)
PreacherThe Revd Christopher Stoltz, Vicar, Parish of Little Venice with St Mary and St Saviour, London

Sunday 10 November 2024, 10:55 am

> Act of Remembrance and Mattins

Responses (Rose)
Te Deum Collegium Regale (Howells)
AnthemAnd I saw a new heaven (Bainton)
AnthemThey shall grow not old (Guest)
PreacherThe Revd John Summers, Deputy Senior Tutor and Fellow, Trinity College

Sunday 17 November 2024, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Martin)
Canticles Peterborough Canticles (Frances-Hoad)
AnthemSweetest of Sweets (Howells)
PreacherThe Revd Sophie Young, Chaplain

Tuesday 19 November 2024, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO eterne Deus (Hildegard of Bingen)
Responses (Smith)
Canticles Service in e (Purcell)
AnthemGreat Lord of Lords (Gibbons)

Sunday 24 November 2024, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

Responses (Smith)
Canticles Fifth Service (Tomkins)
AnthemO clap your hands (Gibbons)
PreacherProfessor Janet Soskice, Professor of Philosophical Theology, University of Cambridge, and Fellow of Jesus College

Tuesday 26 November 2024, 6:15 pm

> Choral Evensong

IntroitO nata lux (Tallis)
Responses (Smith)
Magnificat Septimi toni (Lassus)
Nunc Dimittis Quarti toni à 4 (Lassus)
AnthemAlma redemptoris à 8 (Lassus)